Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Describe your outfit.
The bag and the top are from Bershka, the jeans and the jacket are Terranova, the shoes are Zara, the scarf is Alexander McQueen. It's the first time I wear it, I didn't have the courage - I guess it's kind of heavy.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Jacket from Capasca
Daiana, Radostina & Mirela

Describe your style
Daiana: grunge and bum-style.
Radostina: a mix between grunge and sport&elegant style.
Mirela: punk-rock.
Where do you shop?
Daiana: This jacket for example is from Inki Tinki, or what was the name of this shop - close to 7th School. The bag is H&M, bought in the US, in Manhattan. The trousers and the T-shirt are also from the US.
What do you think about street-style in Bulgaria?
Radostina: I hate the chalga-style and I hate the fashion girls. I like it when people don't care what they are wearing. I hate winter. And I hate emo-s.
Daiana: I hate uniformity and greyness. I like styles with lots of accessories and colours.
What do you want to buy next?
Mirela: I want warm pullovers. Cuz I am now wearing short sleeves and stuff.
Daiana: I want a chiffon grunge dress.
Something you would never wear?
Radostina: Chalga styles or trendy-girl styles.
Mirela: Mini-shorts.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Describe your style.
Evelina: We listen to rap music, our style is entirely hip hop inspired right now. But we also wear other styles, we talk with our friends in advance and we all decide to wear the same style at the same time.
Where do you shop?
Evelina: My mum shops for me, she picks hip hop clothes for me, because she likes them.
What do you think about street style in Bulgaria?
Tedi: I like it, I think there is a huge variety which is great.
Something you would never wear?
Evelina: There's no such thing. I like changing my style.
Tedi: Ballet clothes.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Cool Bulgarians in Monitor Daily, 23 Nov. 2007

A quiet sunday afternoon in Sofia art gallery

A queit sunday afternoon in Sofia Art Gallery
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where are you from?
I am from the US. But I am currently working and living in Bulgaria. For six months now.
Have you ever shopped here in Bulgaria? I have never actually. It's quite difficult to shop here. Because the good quality clothes tend to be rather expensive here. But my wife shops for me and she sends me clothes over here from the US. I get most of my clothes on ebay. And they don't ship to Bulgaria so my wife sends them to me.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Describe your style
It's hard to define. I get inspired a lot by punk and grunge music.
For example, Curt Cobaine was stylish.

And I am a musician myself so I like to experiment with my style. I get lots of comments about it, mostly from my mother. She doesn't agree with it. As for my friends and the people around me, they like it, they think it's funny and crazy.
The thing that bothers me about the street style here is the chalga-influence. I can't stand it.
Thursday, November 22, 2007

What are you wearing?
Shoes are Nike, trousers are Diesel, the belt is also Diesel, the jacket is from Japan - a friend of mine brought it from Tokyo.
What about the T-shirt? What does it say?
"MoviesMoviesMovies". I'm a Holywood star!!!! Ha-ha
What's the last thing you bought?
A bag.
What's the best deal you've had on clothes?
That was a J. Lindeberg t-shirt for only 40 levs, I think.
Something you would never wear?
Bulgarian designers.
And a tracksuit maybe. Although these trousers kinda look like tracksuit.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How would you describe your style?

I don't know, I don't have a specific style. I like punk. I like customizing and creating clothes, mixing styles. My style is very much grunge and punk-influenced. Something you would like to wear?
Right now I would like a pair of huge combat boots with colourful shoe laces.
Something you would never wear?
Mini skirts, high-heel shoes.
What do you like about the street style in Bulgaria and what pisses you off?
I hate the chalga. I hate when 15-year-old girls dress like 30-year olds. It's stupid. You should experiment more and be crazy and extravagant and not care when you are a teenager. You won't be able to do it when you get old.
Monday, November 19, 2007

Boots from an Italian brand (don't remember the name), the bag is Kangol, the skirt is H&M (bought in Germany), the jacket is Esprit.
How would you describe your style?
Something you would never wear?
Someone whose style you appreciate?
(her friend prompts: "Justin Timberlake")
Yeah, Justin Timberlake.
Would you shop second-hand?
I don't know. Depends.

How would you describe your style?
(his friend asks what's that)
A patchwork is a collage. That's when you combine different styles and merge them into one.
Something you would never wear?
Those short jackets with fluffy collars and fur.
Something you would like to wear?
Maybe knee-length boots. If I ever wear boots they will be knee-length.
Someone whose style you appreciate?
My culture teacher, from the National High School for Ancient Languages and Cultures.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Where are you from?
I'm from Holland. But I've been living in Bulgaria for six months now.
What are you wearing?
Replay jeans, Converse All Stars shoes, actually everything is bought here in Bulgaria.
What do you think about brands in Bulgaria?
They are almost similar to those in Holland. It's easy to shop here in the new malls. But I sometimes have problems finding my size cuz I am very tall.
What colours are you wearing this winter?
I'll probably stay in the dark shades. It depends. It depends on how cold it's gonna be and I hear it's gonna be really cold.
Something you would never wear?
Skater jeans.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Describe your style
I hate brands. I like individual styles and individual items. I actually like to shop second-hand.
What about making your own clothes?
Yeah, somethimes. My mum helps a lot there.
Tell me some good second-hand shops here in Sofia?
There is one on Dondukov Str., close to the crossing with Rakovski.
Something you would never wear?
Short jeans skirt. Or tiny jeans shorts. Not for me!
What's hot this winter?
I will be wearing whatever I feel like wearing. I don't know. Last winter I was wearing crazy red necklaces all the time.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
How would you describe your style?
I wouldn't describe it as anything particular. I just like to have something with a special accent.
What's hot this winter?
Natural colours. I will be wearing the clothes I have, and will try to have a strong detail each time, like a detail in a very strong colour.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I have mixed the style of two of my friends. The jacket and the pullover are borrowed. The trousers are from the Z-Outlet.
Describe your style.
It's different every day. Depends on how I feel.
Something you would never wear?
I wouldn't wear anything that's style-less.
What's hot this winter?
Grey, black, long coats.
Monday, November 5, 2007
What are you wearing?
Shoes are Circa, the belt is Fred Perry, Horsefeathers jeans, the T-shirt is Whiteroom, jacket is Analog and the sweater I found at a bargain sale.
What's the last thing you bought?
I think it's these shoes.
How would you describe your style?
Careless, easy...
Someone whose style you like?
The vocalist of The Rakes.
Sweater by Element, the shirt is Moritz, trousers - Benetton, Jack Jones shoes.
How would you describe your personal style?
Comfortable and carefree.
Someone whose style you like?
Slug /from Atmosphere/
What's hot this winter?
Darker colours, brown, jackets with huge fluffy hoods, Timberland shoes.
Friday, November 2, 2007

What are you wearing?
Sunglasses are Vogue, Jacket - Terranova, shirt by H&M, a Terranova bag, jeans and boots by Diesel, and the belt is Yes or No.
Who is your personal style guru?
Kate Moss. Her collection for TopShop is soooo cool. Pharelle. I actually can't remember them all right now. Nicole Richie
Something you would never wear?
Hmm...Plush trousers!
What's hot this winter?
Yellow and violet colours in Bulgaria and greyish-blacks in the West :-) Some kind of neo-grunge, I guess.